Research Category

Climate Risk Assessment

Lead: Dr. Bishawjit Mallick


Dr. Balgah Ronald

Mohsina Aktar

Md Sharif Mahmood

Climate Change Adaptation

Lead: Dr. Jude N. Kimengsi


Dr. Bishawjit Mallick

Parvin Kumar

Anna Maria Schancez

Gender and Development

Lead: Dr. Adnan Hossain


Ms. Zakia Sultana

Sarah Gusenheimer

Disaster and Displacement

Lead: Dr. Bishawjit Mallick


Mr. Bangkim Biswas

Ms. Zakia Sultana

Daniella Narvez

Rupkatha Priodarshini

Borders, Refugee and Integration

Lead: Jose Ricardo Martins


Mr. Bangkim Biswas

Ms. Zakia Sultana

Mostafa Naser

Rajan Ghosh

Climate Smart Technologies

Lead: Uthpal Kumar


Kamonashish Halder

Shuvo Singha

Expert Details

Name Affiliation Expertise

Dr. Bishawjit Mallick

Associate Professor, Utrecht University, the Netherlands

Climate risk, Non-migration, Migration and Societal Change, Water, Climate and Future Deltas

Dr. Ricardo Martins

Researcher, International Development Studies, Utrecht University, the Netherlands

Institutions & Power with an emphasis in International Relations, Migration and refugee studies

Dr. Adnan Hossain

Assistant professor, Gender Studies, Utrecht University, the Netherlands

Gender and sexual diversity, masculinities, transgender and intersex studies, heterosexualities, race and ethic relations, body politics, nationalism, decolonization, postcolonial studies, cricket, epistemology and global inequalities in knowledge production

Dr. Jude N. Kimengsi

Research Fellow at the Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Technical University of Dresden, Germany

Field Survey; Poverty; NGOs; Agriculture; Geography; International Development; Climatology; Forest Management; Rural Development; Natural Resource Management; Forest Conservation

Dr. Balgah Ronald

Associate Professor, College of Technology, The University of Bamenda, Cameroon.

Climate change, disaster management, human-nature interactions, poverty and sustainable development, and development economics

Mohsina Aktar

Climat Change Consultant

Climate change adaptation, GIS specialist, Field survey and monitoring.

Md Sharif Mahmood

Energy and Climate Change Specialist

Climate change mitigation and adaptation, Renewable energy transition, Net zero transition.

Mr. Bangkim Biswas

Ms. Zakia Sultana

Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Science and Disaster Management, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science and Technology University, Bangladesh

Zakia’s current research is focused on environmental non-migration, climate change adaptation, and disaster management.7

Ms. Rup Priodarshini

University College London, United Kingdom

International Development, Climate refugee and non-migration discources

Daan van Berk

Parvin Kumar

Anna Maria Schancez

Sarah Gusenheimer

Daniella Narvez

Rupkatha Priodarshini

Mostafa Naser

Rajan Ghosh

Kamonashish Halder

Shuvo Singha

Jose Ricardo Martins

Uthpal Kumar